Already in the earliest stages of human development the plants were not only a source of nutrition,...
Already in the earliest stages of human development the plants were not only a source of nutrition, they help a person get rid of the disease. The oldest extant medical treatises a sign, we can say, the first reference plant found during excavations of the Sumerian city (III millennium BC). In the 145 lines in Sumerian recipe given 15 prescriptions. They imply that the ancient Sumerian physicians used mostly plants such as mustard, fir, pine, thyme, willow, plum fruit, pears, figs and others. Literary sources indicate that the use of medicinal plants in Assyria, Egypt, India, China in about 3000 BC. e., and at the beginning of n. e. - In Iran, Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages - in the Arab countries, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and European countries. Culture and knowledge of the ancient Sumerians inherited the Babylonians, which was used for medicinal purposes licorice root, datura, henbane, linseed, etc. The Babylonians noticed that the sunlight adversely affects the healing properties of certain plants, so dried them in the shade, and some herbs even collected at night. It is widely used plants in China, India, Tibet. Even in 3216 BC. e. Chinese emperor Shennong wrote a work on medicine, "Peng-Cao" ( "Herbal"), the first full-fledged plant guide, much of which is devoted to the description of herbal remedies. Traditional Chinese medicine has used more than 1500 plants, most often it used astragalus, ginseng, ginger, dogwood, cinnamon, lemongrass Chinese, onion, mandarin peel, primrose, licorice, asparagus, garlic and skullcap. Tibetan medicine has arisen on the basis of the Indian, in his treatise on Tibetan medicine "Chzhud shi" has a large section on the use of medicinal plants. Tibetan medicine has long been surrounded by mysticism, but in 1898 a doctor Peter Badmayev translated "Chzhud shi" in the Russian language, created the office of Tibetan medicine in St. Petersburg and successfully treated the residents of St. Petersburg Oriental herbs, which he brought from Mongolia. In Tibetan medicine is used about 400 species of medicinal plants. This plant guide gathered the largest plant database, available on mobile devices. And the fact that this plant guide with photos enhances its interface and adds clarity, thanks to which reference will be able to enjoy everything from small to large. Now you have the ability and good quality plant guide download on your mobile phone or tablet. This is a unique reference medicinal plants was based on the knowledge of many generations. If you are looking for medicinal plants complete directory, then this is what you need. Moreover, that reference medicinal plants will simply download more than ever, because he is also completely free and supports almost all current models of smartphones. It should still notice that the treatment of medicinal plants requires strict implementation of the prescribed recipe and consistency of application. It is no wonder that our ancestors used medicinal plants for treatment and recovered faster than we do, and medicinal plants for the treatment of pancreatic not have a decent analogues and widely used so far. We all understand that all plants are suitable for the treatment of plants and is designed to help guide his every user to help determine the medicinal properties of a plant. After all, it is important to know for sure which herbs are suitable for the treatment, which only harm, and which does not have much influence absolutely no effect. Now you know that this marshmallow is a plant used for the treatment of cough. And there are countless plants, and in the application you will find the most common medicinal plants. A description of medicinal plants will help to determine their useful and harmful properties. Also you will find there medicinal plants photos that would help you with the identification of plants in his appearance.